[Hazmat and Mac's reunion after Hazmat returns to the city.] Forgotten Church(#1801RAJLM) The old church is dark, dimly lit by outside light coming in through scum-encrusted windows during the day, and tomblike during the night. There is a coatroom in the back of the nave, with separate doors leading off to mens' and womens' restrooms, and two staircases, one going up to the balcony and bell-tower, and the other leading down to the basement. The double doors leading out to the street are at the back of the coatroom. The hard wooden pews in the sanctuary are, for the most part, still intact. There are even Bibles and hymnals left in the shelves along the back of each row, although many of them look rather chewed on. The altar on a dais at the front of the church is empty, and the lectern that once stood next to it has been knocked over. Rotting red cloth hangs at the very front of the church; there might once have been a design on it, but it has long since faded or been eaten away. Contents: Kosh Tommie Unseen Changes Mac Remiel Guitar-case Alley Cat Trashcan Fire Gargoyle Obvious exits: Basement Street Even if you know Mac, it would take you at least a few moments to recognize him. While he seems as huge as ever, topping out at a few inches over six feet with shoulders that seem almost as wide, almost everything else about him is changed. His bright blue eyes are cold, adding an aura of seriousness to the Gnawer's demeanor. His hair is close cut and short, the red locks only reaching the middle of his neck in the back. His moustache and goatee are gone as well, leaving his weathered and rugged face clean shaven. The old clothes are gone as well, old and well worn replaced by new and clean. The off white sport shirt seems out of place on the large Gnawer, as do the navy blue dress pants into which they are tucked. Navy socks peek out from between the pants and the black seude shoes which cover his feet. Remiel just shrugs as Kosh inspects the church. Hazmat steps hesitantly into the church, her body slightly tense and taut; she's not used to cities anymore, and anyway, this is another's territory. Tommie turns, the door still slightly open from when Kosh entered, and her face splits wide in a grin. "You visited!" She is very welcoming. Gargoyle rises to her feet to sniff out this new face, but she is unmenacing. Mac smiles at Tommie's greeting and turns to look towards the door. His jaw drops and he sits slack jawed for a long moment before he recovers enough to close his mouth. Kosh turns to spot a face he has not seen in such a long time, it feels like hears. His eyes sparkle for a moment, then a smile cracks his face. "Greetings, Hazmat. Welcome home." Hazmat grins slightly at Tommie. "Yah, I did." Her eyes wander over Remiel, and then Kosh; the look she gives the former is casual, the latter warm. But Mac... she tilts her head like the RCA dog, quizzical, not recognizing him at all. Kosh grins wickedly. "Scary, yes?" he asks Hazmat. Remiel nods to Hazmat diffidently, but with a real measure of respect... more than he's shown to Tommie or Kosh lately. Hazmat glances at Kosh, distractedly. "Huh?" Mac senses "Hazmat really doesn't know who you are." Mac shrugs his shoulders and raises to his feet, smiling a little uncerntainly to Hazmat. "Heya, Kid." Hazmat startles, visibly, at a familiar voice coming from this... stranger? She edges toward Kosh, grey eyes fixed on Mac. "Fuh... father?" Her voice is very small and hesitant. Kosh nods, eyes glimmering. Mac takes a slow step forward, his smile gone, replaced by a glimmer of fear. "Yeah. It's me, girl. Long time, no see." Hazmat seems at odds, fingers twitching in the too-long sleeves of the brown trench. "Uhm, yah." There's another awkward pause, and then: "Father, why yuh dressed like a Fang?" Mac clears his throat, eyes narrowing a bit at the accusation. "It's a long story. I doubt I can sum it up in a few short words." Remiel says "Camoflage." Kosh furrows his brow, a tad taken back. "A Fang? Fangs don't have good taste in suits. He's dressing like a Walker now." Tommie laughs outright and covers her mouth. Hazmat flinches, head ducking apologetically, eyes going to the floor. "Oh." She glances at Kosh again, for support. Kosh's eyes soften. "Don't worry. I had the exact same reaction." Mac's shoulders slump and he turns back to the pew at which he was sitting, dropping into it again. Hazmat's hand strays up to her mouth; she chews fretfully on one knuckle, an old habit from cubhood. She watches Mac for another moment and asks, hesitantly, "Yuh na' mad a' me?" Kosh sits on a pew by Gargoyle, scratching her behind the ear. He whispers in the dog's ear. "Hazmat's a friend. Don't bug her, ok?" Mac looks up at Hazmat, a little confused by the question. "You know I could never stay mad at you. Hell, I thought you had left because you were mad at me." Gargoyle looks up at Kosh, insulted. She knows Hamat is a friend, Tommie was glad to see her! The dog heaves herself up off the floor and goes to sniff at the new Gnawer again. Hazmat drifts slowly toward the older Gnawer. "Na', father. Na', wuzza lotta other things." She stops just in front of Mac, shifting her weight awkwardly, as if wanting to throw herself at him with all enthusiasm but unsure whether such attention is wanted. Mac shakes his head, smiling and laughing to himself. "Don't much matter anymore does it." He springs quickly to his feet, his huge arms engulfing the smaller Gnawer in a hug. Hazmat, relieved, hugs her "father" back tightly, burying her face in his chest and making little canine noises. Tommie doesn't even rub at her eye. Nu-uh. Kosh watches the reunion and smiles behind his arms as he leans on the pew. Remiel goes back to minor repairs, careful that no sign of this work is apparent. Mac runs a fatherly hand down the back of Hazmat's hair. His voice is stern, but lovingly so. "Next tiem just tell me that you're leaving, okay?" Hazmat sniffs and nods, still leaning against her mentor. "Yah. Ain' leavin', though." Mac smiles fondly down at Hazmat once more before his hands drop to his sides and he turns to face the others, his eyes and face suddenly very serious. "What are you all lookin' at?" Jimmy Wilson and Sparrow emerge from the doorway leading to the basement. Jimmy has an arm around her waist, and she likewise holds him. They're laughing and smiling, talking about something quietly amongst themselves. Jimmy's mirth stops suddenly as he notices the crowd, and Remy in particular. He looks to Sparrow, and nods. "I'll try ta behave, Sparrow." Hazmat entwines an arm around one of Mac's. She seems more relaxed now, tangled blonde locks half-shrouding an unself-consciously happy smile as she leans her head on Mac's upper arm. This metal trashcan has been set up on the dias, in front of the altar. A surprisingly smokeless fire burns in it. A black, ginger and white alley cat, this one has thin sides and the cocky air of a seasoned fighter, and a chewed-upon ear to prove it. Sparrow is a little flushed, and rumpled looking, but she tries to straighten herself up a little to face the crowd. She manages a pretty smile for everyone. Kosh shrugs. "I cannot condemn anyone for emotional displays considering my life in recent weeks." Tommie is sitting on a pew, rather quiet in the crowd. Jimmy Wilson guides Sparrow toward the crowd, his arm still around her waist. He seems a bit rumpled and perhaps even a little sweaty himself. He pulls up a spot on the pew next to Tommie, nodding in greeting to her. His eye stays on Remy for a moment, then looks away. "Whazzup T-cat? How's Hank?" Hazmat hugs Mac's arm tightly and looks over the two new arrivals, grey eyes calm and amiable. Remiel continues working while others chat, it seems a Bone Gnawer moment he won't intrude on. Mac flashes a quick smile down at Haz, hoping no one will notice. Kosh buries his face in his arms, watching Mac and Hazmat with secreted glances. Sparrow looks around a bit shyly, darting uncertain glances at Jimmy frequently. Tommie pats Sparrow's arm. "How're things?" The question is a general one, addressed to everybody in the room. Jimmy Wilson nudges Tommie. "Hey, you okay? How 'bout Hank? What went down?" Tommie looks perfectly fine. "We're okay. Drew was being an idiot and we tried to make him see that. He was jus' stronger." Hazmat's happy expression sours a bit. "Wha' *did* happen wi' Drew? He acted like a git tuh me 'til I said I din' know why he *was* actin' like a git." Tommie frowns, her brow furrowing. "What did he do?" Hazmat shrugs. "Nuthin', really. Just I was bein' nice an' all, an' he was actin' like some Sado Lord." Kosh tilts his head smirking at the epithit. Jimmy Wilson props his feet up on a pew, seeing that he might as well just keep his ears open. No use trying to figure out what's going on by asking all the wrong questions. He stares at Hazmat trying to figure out who the new face is. Tommie sets her jaw. "He was acting like an ahroun last night. Stupid. And Hank and I took issue withit. Maybe he thought all Gnawers were out to get him." She tilts her head. "Although he was okay today. He gave me pretzels." Sparrow listens in, keeping politely quiet. She flashes a quick smile at Kosh, recognizing him. Mac frowns softly at the story, grunting quietly to himself. Hazmat scratches the back of her neck, attention turning back to Sparrow and Jimmy. Kosh waves to Sparrow, a tiny wave. "Hello. How's P-chan?" Tommie dances a little bit in place, watching her feet. She looks over her shoulder, "So everything okay here?" Remiel carefully sweeps. Odd sort of sweeping, replacing old dirt with new, obscuring footprints while getting rid of stale smells. Jimmy Wilson grins from Kosh to Sparrow. "Yeah, where have you hidden that thing?" He notices Hazmat's glance. "Hey," seems to be all the introduction he's willing to give her at the moment. Sparrow purses her lips, thinking. " I think he's downstairs, in the blankets where Jimmy and I were...sleeping" Her face colors a little. Hazmat detaches herself from Mac, shoving her hands into her pockets and walksing toward Jimmy. "Hazmat," she says, tilting her chin up, eyes cheerful, her stance slightly dominant. Tommie dances in place and makes her own introductions. "Hazmat, that's Jimmy. He's a Gnawer, and my packmate. And that's Sparrow. She's Jimmy's girlfriend and my packmate. You all, that's Hazmat." Tommie seems rather respectful to Hazmat, something that most people here have not seen much in the dominant Gnawer. Jimmy Wilson props his feet up, staring at Hazmat with his one good eye. "That's a name? Heh. Mine's Jimmy." He glances for a second over to Mac, trying to read his reaction of how he's treating the stranger who is obviously a friend of his in some way. Kosh chuckles quietly and flashes Sparrow a friendly but knowing smile. "The sleep that gives no rest. I'm familiar with it." He watches the introductions for a moment, catching reactions and postures. Hazmat answers Jimmy's unspoken question with some small mischievious glee. "Mac's my father." Jimmy Wilsons eye widens, then he quickly regains his composure. "There ain't much resemblance." He reaches over to run his fingers through Sparrow's hair once, then stands and starts poking around the pews. "All those bags a' McD's I brought in earlier are gona already? Damn. And I worked up an appetite an' everything, too." Tommie pipes up, suddenly. "Hazmat, like on Hazardous Materials, Jimmy. It's prolly a good name." Sparrow smiles at Hazmat, carefully, "'M Sparrow, like Tommie said." Mac glares at Jimmy, his smile nothing less than threatening. Hazmat suddenly whirls on one foot, arms out as she spins, a burst of joyful energy. She stops facing Sparrow. "Hi!" Sparrow looks startled, barely controlling a flinch backwards. "Um, hi, yourself." She recovers with a hesitant smile. Kosh grins and smiles. "Don't mind Hazmat. She's a tad energetic." He turns to Jimmy. "And Mac's her Father the way Kosh is mine. Understand?" Hazmat skips backwards a step, half-dancing. She whirls again and abruptly leaps into the air, far higher than anyone in Homid *should* be able to leap, landing on both feet and dancing back over toward Mac to grab his arm again. Jimmy Wilson catches Mac's glance and tries to play off the tension. "Um, those new duds make ya look really mean, man." He sniffs at the air. "And no aftershave this time. Good move." He makes sure to say all of this from a good enough distance to be well out of harm's way, should Mac choose to get, um, physical. Tommie dances in place herself again, watching her feet again, but it is restless, not joyful, and she doesn't move out her tight little circle. Mac bears his teeth to Jimmy, still smiling. The effect is somewhat lessened by the antics of his long lost daughter. Jimmy Wilson goes back to searching for the Holy Grail of McDonald's bags he left up here earlier. Dogs must have drug the bags off or something. Hazmat takes the cloth of Mac's sleeve between her teeth and shakes it lightly. "C'mon, father," she cajoles. "Don' be like Chugs. He don' mean nuthin', I bet, an' if he does, he don' know better, I bet." Her grin is undefeatable. Sparrow sidles up next to Kosh, seeing as Jimmy is busy, and she's not quite trusting the others' restlessness and antics. Kosh turns to Hazmat for a moment. "Where have you been the past few months?" he asks, hoping the conversation will diffuse the palpible tensions. Tommie starts to move towards the door, just drifting really,too restless for the pews. Jimmy Wilson smiles. "Hey, I /like/ her, Mac. You sure you two are related... no, nevermind. I'm jus' kiddin'." When she reaches the door, Tommie stops, as if she's surprised her feet have led her in this direction. Then she calls over her shoulder, "Take care of things for me!" It is not clear to whom this is addressed. Hazmat wiggles long fingers at Jimmy. "Watch it, yah? Or yuh'll be fightin' off bugs." She's half-joking. To Kosh, she says, "I went north, where th' wolves is." Remiel finishes sweeping. He looks up, counting heads. "Wow. You could say a mass in here, an it wouldn't be too badly 'tended, wit' this crowd. Mac frowns up at Hazmat, only half serious. "Hell, I was only playing with him. I don't act mean to Gnawers unless they deserve it." Kosh sighs and shakes his head. "Sparrow," he says softly. "Can you smack your boyfriend upsude the head before he chokes on that foot in his mouth?" His gaze turns to Hazmat. "Really? Learn much from them?" Hazmat flops down next to Mac in the pew, grinning broadly. Tommie suddenly shouts, "Hah!" as if what Mac has said proved something and opens the door, not quite leaving. Remiel says "You all have a minute.?" Mac casts a confused look towards Tommie, but nods to Remy. Remiel says "Gotta favor to ask." Hazmat nods vigorously at Kosh. "Yah. Watched 'em, too. An' th' pups." Sparrow's brow crinkles, as she looks up at Kosh to see if he is joking. Then her attention goes to Remy. Tommie pauses, to look at Remy. Kosh listens to Hazmat, watching Remiel through the corner of his eye. "You watched over pups?" Remiel says "I gotta situation. Kin I count on some of you to ... carry messages, now and again?" Tommie rubs her cheek, watching Remy from her far vantage thoughtfully. Hazmat hugs Mac's arm. "Yah. Pups an' th' parents. Kept 'em fed an' safe. Killed some Wyrm an' Weaver shit tha' sometimes wandered inta their territory, inna Umbra. They was Talon kin, too." Kosh lifts an eyebrow. "Physical messages?" Jimmy Wilson moves back over to sit near Sparrow. "Good thing I saved one a' these." He pulls a cold McDonald's apple pie out of a pocket, tearing it in half once it clears the wrapper and offering it to her. Remiel says "Messages. Stories. Spread news. Like that." Jimmy Wilson clears his throat. "Um, Remy. You can, uh, count on me." He looks at Sparrow, and quietly says, "See? I'm tryin'." Kosh ponders this for a moment, scratching his chin. Sparrow munches on the apple pie, and nods in Remy's direction. Remiel says "Like what Tommie did, about Drew." Mac nods quietly in response to Remy's question, but seems to have more attention for Hazmat's story. Tommie scratches her head. "'Course I want to tell people when I get beat up, Remy." She flashes a smile. "'s part of my campaign, see." Remiel nods his thanks, then goes over to sit near Jimmy and Sparrow. He moves very... cautiously, as if being careful not to upset either of the pair. Tommie leaves, then. Tommie opens one of the double doors at the back of the church, leaving for the streets. Tommie has left. Jimmy Wilson forces a smile out for his former packmate. He offers the last bite of pie to him. "It's been a while, man." Kosh turns to Remy and says, "I will help as long as these stories are not wild rumors. Nor that they be caputred by the wrong ears." Remiel accepts the pie. "You know, you could've used one of the pizza coupons, in the box under the altar. Mac clears his throat, rising to his feet as he does so, hoping to catch the attention of the gathered Garou. Jimmy Wilson just shrugs. "I got money. I don't need no coupons. Besides, I felt like McNuggets t'day." He shuts up as Mac makes his move. Remiel munches quietly on pie, looking to Mac, now. Kosh watches Mac, head tilted to catch his movements. Hazmat looks alertly at Mac. Sparrow turns away from her two uneasy companions, to Mac. Mac waits for a moment as the room quickly quiets. "I need to ask a favor as well. It is one I have already asked, but it is more important now than ever. Something big is going to go down at the factory soon. I was planning on hunting you all down, or letting Remy find you all and tell you, but since you are all here, I figured it was a good time. I can't say exactly when or what is gonna happen, but it could be bad and it could be dangerous. Do me a big favor and stay away from the place for a while. Thanks. Oh, and somebody tell Becca, even though she should know better" Hazmat's nose wrinkles at mention of Causes-Trouble-Then-Hides-From-It. Jimmy Wilson chuckles. "Maybe we should tell her that you *want* her ta go there, Mac. She'll stay away fer sure." Sparrow's eyes widen. She murmurs something quiet to Jimmy. Jimmy Wilson whispers back to Sparrow, shrugging. Remiel draws closer to Mac. It looks like he has something serious to ask him on a new topic. Mac turns his head aside for a moment, listening to Remy before whispering back a reply. Sparrow nods slowly at what Jimmy says. Kosh turns back to Hazmat. "Did you meet a nice wolf-male out there? Or did you mother other wolves cubs?" Hazmat scratches at the back of one hand, glancing at Kosh. "I coulda. I din'. They was jus' two, an' I din' plan tuh be 'round fuhever. I din' wanna disrupt 'em, jus' hang out wit' 'em." Remiel nods to Mac, then turns back, smiling. "Sound's like you did good up north, Haz.' Hazmat tilts her chin up. "'Course I did." Kosh nods. He says softly, "You'll have to teach us wolfstuff, then..." Hazmat grins broadly. "Sure!" Mac says "I'm not much good at wolf stuff, but I'm probably too old to be learning." Remiel says "Haz could teach some wolves wolf stuff, Mac, I bet." Jimmy Wilson yawns and eyeballs the basement door. "Maybe someone took those bags down there..." Jimmy Wilson stands up, looking back to Sparrow. "Have fun. You know where I'll be." He heads downstairs. Hazmat slouches back against the pew, matching Jimmy's yawn. Kosh turns to Hazmat. "Want a blanket? Or are you ok?" Mac smiles to Remy. "Old dog, new tricks and all." Sparrow follows Jimmy's departure with her eyes, then turns back to listen into the group. Hazmat stretches out on the pew, wrapping the brown trench around her. "'M okay." Jimmy Wilson heads down the basement stairs. Jimmy Wilson has left. Kosh nods softly, "When you get a chance, Hazmat, I have to introduce you to someone." Hazmat lifts her head to lok at Kosh with interest and then lets it flop down again. True to form, she can sleep anywhere and be unconscious within a minute.