[Date: 26 Oct 1996] Farmhouse: Downstairs Three rooms make up the first floor of the farmhouse, the living room which is the first as you come in, and the dining room and kitchen at the back of the house. (See +view and places) A door in the kitchen allows direct access to the barnyard behind the house, while the door in the living room lets out to the front porch. Carpeted stairs twist up the northwest corner of the room, leading to the second floor. Contents: Madeline Scott Anne Derrick Nikolai Timothy Mark Rose Illuminated Text NOTE: Current Farmhouse Residents (Updated: Oct 22) Obvious exits: Front Door Back Door STairs Timothy can't help but hear the cub's outburst from the kitchen, and for a moment it seems as if his form is blurring up into the warform again with those words. He doesn't even try to vocalize his feelings on this subject, probably for the best given the tenuous hold the Silver Fang seems to have on his rage right about now. One chair is shoved violently out of the way as he heads directly toward the front door with quick steps. Nikolai didn't really expect the attack from Rose as his anger and attention was directed towards Timothy. He struck repetitively with surprise with the heavy pounding of Crinos fists that can be heard crunching bone. He slumps to the floor unconscious. Nikolai contorts and blurs as he is transformed. Nikolai shifts into Homid form. Mark announces who Hazmat at is before she opens the door. Hazmat's eyes widen suddenly. "Shit-*fuck*!" And the Gnawer _moves_ out of the Fang's way. Timothy leaves through the front door. You can hear the screen door swing shut again with a clatter. Rose sobs wildly in grief, now, shifting down to craddle her fallen friend in her arms, weeping incoherently. Rose contorts and blurs as she is transformed. Rose stretches her spare frame and sinewy limbs, passing the limits of the possible, to take on Homid form. Anne takes a glance around the living room, giving Hazmat a sharp look and a nod of recognition, then heads towards the kitchen determinedly, where Rose, Derrick, and Nikolai are. Mark pages: The living room is a mess and there is a bit of blood on the floor. Timothy had a claw mark on his face. Scott lets out a long breath, and mutters quietly,"Fuck me, that could have gone alot worse." Anne moves into the kitchen. Madeline comes downstairs finally, tension evident in her movement. Mark gives the window a final check and goes over to see what's going on in the kitchen. Hazmat takes several panting breaths, pushing down her own rage, visibly calming herself enough to ask, "Wha' the *hell*?" Derrick finally moves out of the doorway, now that Nik's out of it, and lays his hand on Rose's shoulder, not that she notices. "Aw..." Mark smirks and answers Hazmat. "A disagreement over the proper treatment of cubs." Anne storms through after Derrick, face tense enough to indicate that if he hadn't moved he'd have gotten some of the treatment Nikolai did, and comes to a halt beside Rose, glowering down at her. "Derrick." Her voice, too, is harsh with self-control. "Who are these?" Rose says "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Oh, please Niki forgive me. I'm so sorry. *sob*" Hazmat glances at Mark, brow furrowed. "Huhn." Mark stays out of the kitchen. "Nik decided the elders were lying to him and took a swing at Timothy when he took exception to being called a liar." Derrick says, "Rose. Calm down. You did the right thing. With the Rage around here, he'd've gotten much worse from other folks." To Anne, he says, "The one who caused all this is Nik. Gaian. This one," he says, patting Rose's back, "Is Rose. She's new." Rose holds her friend's insensate figure in her arms, little knowing or caring what goes on about her. Her own shoulders bleed where he raked her deeply while attacking Timothy, and her clothes are a tatter. Anne watches Rose continuing to cry, and her patience snaps just a litt;e she reaches down to the girl cub and grips one arm, hauling upwards on it. Hazmat lets out a long sigh and brushes back her hair. She shakes her head and picks her way across the wrecked living room. Rose comes up, limp and helpless. She lets go of Nikolai, and turns to face the new tormentor, blubbling incoherently. Madeline tries to put the previous scene, and the goings-on in the kitchen out of her mind. She turns to Hazmat. "Have I met you yet?" Scott takes in a deep breath, and mutters something else before running a hand through his hair and heading out the front door. Scott leaves through the front door. You can hear the screen door swing shut again with a clatter. Anne shakes her 'captive' roughly. "Get a grip," she says sharply. "Derrick is right; if he hadn't been shut up by you Timothy would probably have come for him himself. At least you didn't hurt him particularly. Pull yourself together, girl." Derrick moves behind Rose again, facing Anne. Hazmat's attention flickers from Anne and Rose to Madeline. "Uhm, mebbe. Hazmat, Gnawer, Ragabash, Cliath. Lupus." Rose sniffles. This order, too, Rose cannot ignore. She straightens herself up, slowly coming around. Madeline nods. "I'm Maddy, Silver Fang Ahroun cub." Anne lets go of the girl once she's standing properly. "I'm Anne," she informs Rose. "Black Fury, Galliard. Singer, that is, and storyteller. What happened?" Hazmat nods distractedly at Maddy, her attention mostly on the Fury and the girl. Rose points to Niki, like a toy she had broken. "*sniff* Niki was confused. He was trying so hard to learn, and he was telling the truth as he saw it, and Mister Timothy _punched_ him right in the face and was mean to him... And he just went wild. It was terr ...terrible." Anne asks curtly, "Telling the truth about what?" Derrick answers, "Nik said, three times, that he doesn't trust the elders. Timothy asked him who had lied to him. Nik didn't answer. Timothy's cuffed 'im, and Nik attacked." Rose sniffs. "Derrick's right." Anne scowls at all three cubs, even the unconscious one, impartially. "Why doesn't he trust the elders?" Rose says "Why should he?"" Hazmat frowns. Derrick shrugs. "He said somethin' about the Elders not telling folks about the dark side of things. He was also talkin' about how people don't teach well, which," says Derrick with a fine disregard for sense, "is true, 'most times." Anne folds her arms over her chest, turning the glower onto Rose alone. Her voice edges towards impatience and anger. "Why shouldn't he?" Rose says "We deserve better. If we are here to learn, why will no one teach us how to do things safely?"" Derrick says "Because they're bad teachers. Doesn't mean they're bad _people_, though." Hazmat wraps her arms around her torso, each hand cupping the opposite elbow. Since Anne seems to want to be the one speaking here, she keeps silent. Her frown, though, takes deeper root, though she seems more troubled than angry. Anne gives Derrick a long look, then suggests quietly, "The cub needs assistance, Derrick. Perhaps you could help him." To Rose, she says, "What is your tribe?" Rose says "I dunno. I'm alon, Miss Anne."" Derrick sighs. "Rightyho. Wrong answer or two." He mumbles, "Ok, bandages..." and wanders out towards the living room. Madeline says "Need any help, Derrick?" Derrick shakes his head at Maddy. "Nah, I'm just gonna get the first aid kit upstairs." Derrick mounts the stairs, pausing briefly at the landing before continuing up to the second floor. Derrick comes down the stairs. Mark speaks up. "She's in Megan's care, but Megan isn't around right now." Hazmat nods, confirming Mark's statement about Megan. Rose nods. She remains politely submissive to Anne, but has stopped blubbing entirely. Anne gives Mark a quick nod. "Thanks," she says, a little irritation slipping out of her eyes. "All right, if she isn't around - and she isn't, I know - someone else has to be. That, I guess, is me. You don't know your tribe; do you know your auspice? What have you been taught so far?" Derrick comes trotting back down with the kit, a pillow, and some bandages. Rose says "I am a Full Moon, because my momma told me Big Moon smiled when I was born. I know all three forms. I know we must be secret. We are Garou."" Rose finishes her pitiably brief list of lessons. "And Rites can be dangerous." Mark mounts the stairs, pausing briefly at the landing before continuing up to the second floor. Anne pushes at some stuff on one of the counters, then pushes herself up to sit on it. "All right," she says. "Speaking of being secret, you should _never_ shift in this building, only in the barn or hidden in the woods, and not be in anything but glabro here. There are five forms, not three. We are Garou. Rites can be dangerous. Do you know what the auspices are? What their duties are? Anything about what it _means_ to be Garou?" Hazmat wanders over toward the counter where Anne is sitting and settles herself on the floor, crosslegged, interested in the lesson even though she probably knows all of this by heart. Derrick does what he can for Nik, bandaging cuts and clumsily binding his ribs. "Wish I could wake him up - healin' this'd be easier if he changed forms." Rose shakes her head. "We... we protect the Sacred?" she guesses. Nikolai lies there looking like a truck had hit him front on and left him mangled. Anne turns her head to watch Derrick. "You could try throwing water on his face," she sugests, before giving a thoughtful frown to Rose. "Depends. What's the 'Sacred'?" Derrick shakes him some, first. "Nik?" Nikolai blearily opens his eyes a bit. A wave of hatred can be felt by those empathic enough to pick it up. Derrick blinks, but doesn't say anything. "Nik, shift. Y'can heal better that way." Nikolai twitches a bit with some of his muscles contorting a bit. Nikolai contorts and blurs as he is transformed. Nikolai shifts into Glabro form. Derrick sighs in relief. "Ok, I sorta bound up your ribs, and I bandaged most stuff, but you should prolly not be on the floor... Maddy, what say we get him upstairs?" Madeline says "Sure, no problem." Rose looks at Nik, now seeing just how much damage she did his poor body. Her face gets a sour look, she puts her hand to her mouth, trying to keep from retching. Anne puts a hand out towards Rose; she recognizes the expression, obviously. "Bathroom, child." Nikolai trys to push any help people offer away although he doesn't seem in a position to offer much resistance. Rose runs. It will be long time before she gets back. Anne kicks her heels lightly against the cabinet beneath the shelf, watching the trio of cubs silently. Derrick and Madeline try to help Nikolai get to his feet, but eventually just pick him up and carry him upstairs, even if he isn't particularly eager to go. Nikolai gets carried away. He seems unable to speak yet but his eyes stare out with a birthed and growing hatred. Madeline mounts the stairs, pausing briefly at the landing before continuing up to the second floor. Derrick mounts the stairs, pausing briefly at the landing before continuing up to the second floor. Nikolai mounts the stairs, pausing briefly at the landing before continuing up to the second floor. Hazmat watches the trio for a moment. Then she gets up and follow them. You climb the stairs from the living room, turning eastward at the landing and continuing up to the second floor. Infirmary The soft glow of autumn sunlight fills the room with golden warmth. Thin white curtains keep the glare out while allowing enough light in to dispel shadows. A small ceramic heater sits on the floor near the bed, available for use when needed. A wide bed stands in the center of the south wall, white linens carefully tucked in around its mattress. A low table stands beside the bed, a small basin and pitcher perched atop it. Two large chairs sit facing the bed, and a small wooden chair sits against the south wall opposite the table. A tall cabinet occupies the northeast corner of the room, its glass door revealing a well-stocked medicine cabinet, various medical implements and supplies carefully arranged within. The only exit from the room is a single door on the eastern wall. Derrick and Madeline deposit Nik on the bed, carefully. Hazmat lingers near the doorway, quietly. Madeline says "Should we just leave him here to chill out?" Nikolai lies on the bed quietly not trying to do much of anything except heal. His teeth are clenched tightly as he runs thoughts of pure hate through his mind. Hazmat shakes her head slightly and moves toward the bed. "Nik?" she says, softly. Derrick does a little more first aidly stuff, then nods to Madeline. "I think he's, uhm, sort of pissed just now." Nikolai doesn't says anything. His eye merely stare up towards the ceiling like they could bore right through. Madeline says "Yeah, no kidding." Hazmat rubs at the back of her neck and crouches down next to the bed. "Nik," she says, quietly, urgently. "Nik, it's Haz." Nikolai blocks everyone out. His mind fills with angry thoughts and his heart writhes at feeling betrayed. Hazmat glances at the other two. "Help me snap 'im outta it," she says. "Him like this, it's like a huge way fuh th' Wyrm tuh get in." Madeline says "Whaddya want us to do?" Derrick sighs. "Nik. At least talk t'us? Yell, whatever, I like arguments." Nikolai looks at everyone coldly as he perceives only what is dark in them. He sees them for what he persumes they are...liars, betrayers, monsters, and evil. Hazmat's eyes narrow as they take in the Gaian cub's expression. She scowls. "No," she snaps. "We ain't." She turns to Maddy. "Get Anne, if she's down there," the Gnawer commands. "Tell 'er this kid's walkin' th' fine line to th' Wyrm." Madeline nods. "Okay, I'll be right back!" Madeline leaves the quiet of the infirmary for the hallway, closing the door with a soft click. Hazmat turns back to the angry cub. "Nik," she says, "it ain't true. Ain't nobody a saint, bu' ain't nobody here all bad, neither. C'mon, talk t'me." Nikolai doesn't believe Hazmat. He knows that they only brought him here to be like them. To be evil and serve the Devil's work. He knows they want him to be like them and if he isn't....He knows they will try to kill him for being righteous. Madeline enters from the hallway, a soft click issuing from the lock as the door closes. Madeline comes back in. "She's not down there anymore." Nikolai continues to stare out coldly. Hazmat, though somewhat empathetic, is far from telepathic. She swears at Maddy's news and turns back to Nik. "Talk t'me," she says again. Command creeps into her voice. Haz doesn't often pull Rank, but she is now. "Talk t'me, dammit. What happened, Nik? Talk t'me." Derrick says "I... could try and track 'er?" Hazmat nods to Derrick. "Do't." Nikolai the hatred burning in his eyes for a moment as he hears Hazmats voice and is briefly reminded of her being friendly to him but he then remembers the cuffing as he tried to speak and the accusations. They were all agains't him. All of them. The hate rekindles in his eyes. Derrick leaves the quiet of the infirmary for the hallway, closing the door with a soft click. Hazmat exhales, sitting back on her heels. She shakes her head again. "So what'er yuh gonna do, Nik? Jus' lie there an' be angry alla time?" Nikolai rubs his ribs as the bones and tissues begin to knit and heal. He remembers how Rose, who he thought was his friend, tried to gain his trust just to kill him. Madeline says "What's wrong with him? He's not usually like this." Nikolai tries to keep a blank expression but the anger can be seen by the clenched say and by the way the eyes seem to pierce and stare. He looks both calm and in frenzy at the same time. Derrick pages: Um, Adele's not particularly willing and no one else's around. Hazmat chews on her middle right knuckle fretfully. "Yuh can't really fight th' Wyrm out 'less yuh free f'm the Wyrm within." She shrugs, obviously worried. "Do yuh know how t'sense Wyrm?" Madeline says "Me? No, all I can do is glow." Nikolai turns his gaze away from the others and their deceiving babble and looks like he might try and stand. Derrick enters from the hallway, a soft click issuing from the lock as the door closes. Hazmat continues to chew on her finger. "Same here. Fuh all I know, there could be a Bane on 'im, corruptin' 'im. Wyrm spirits like stuff like this. I hearda folks who walk th' Black Spiral 'cuz a' this." Derrick comes in, panting. "Lost 'er trail." Hazmat swears. Rather colorfully. "Nobody else 'round neither?" Nikolai stands and begins to walk shakily towards the door while keeping a wary eye on the others. Hazmat moves quickly to block the door. "No." Derrick shakes his head. "No one I could find." Staring at Nik, he says, "Uh, Nik, you just had your _ribs_ broken. You ain't goin' anywhere." Madeline says "Can we fix him?" Derrick says "Fix how? He's pissed off and upset, you can't "fix" emotions. That's the problem." Nikolai narrows his eyes on Hazmat with anger building up inside again. They are planning something. They want him here so they can do something to him. Maybe they are keeping him here till his executioner can arrive. Hazmat tells Maddy, "I don' know Rite a' Cleansin'. I can't even tell if he *has* Wyrm on 'im or he's jus' bein' in a snit. Either way, he ain' leavin here." Her glowers back at Nikolai, meeting his eyes. Derrick says "Hey, Haz, lemme through, I wanna see if I can find her again..." Hazmat slips to one side *just* enough to let Derrick through. Her eyes are still locked on Nik's. Derrick slips past. Derrick leaves the quiet of the infirmary for the hallway, closing the door with a soft click. Nikolai backs off and averts his eyes as he sits back on the bed. This one would surely try to slay him if he tried to leave. Derrick enters from the hallway, a soft click issuing from the lock as the door closes. Anne enters from the hallway, a soft click issuing from the lock as the door closes. Derrick opens the door up and knocks on the frame. "Hey, found her." Hazmat sidles to the side to let the Fury and the cub in. She exhales, seeing Anne. "Ma'am." Anne comes in, scowling irritably but without some of the anger from before. Nikolai glances up towards the door from where he is seated at the bed. A cold and angry look is in his eyes. This is the one sent to execute him. They kept him here just for this Devil's spawn to come here and finish him off. Hazmat points to the scowling Nik on the bed. "Won't talk. Caught in some kinda hate-lock 'r somethin'. I saw how yuh handled Brittany... yuh better at this than I am," she tells Anne, and shrugs. "I can't even tell if he's ga' Wyrm on him now or what." Derrick oodges past, and leans against a awll. Anne regards Nikolai thoughtfully, scowl deepening, as she shuts the door. Hazmat's words draw a quick look and a nod; the Fury crosses the room to stand a few paces in front of Nik, obviously not close enough to touch him without taking a couple more steps. Nikolai looks at Anne for what he seems to perceive is her. A darker side of her. He see only what he sees in the others. She is a deceiver, a monster, and evil. She is more so than the others as she tried to get him to shift so her pack friend could devour him. Anne asks, quietly, "What's wrong, Nikolai?" Hazmat remains by the door, arms folded across her chest, feet slightly spread and stance firm. Madeline slumps against the wall, feeling helpless. Nikolai wonders if this one will strike him as her brother did if he does not answer in time. He averts his angry gaze and says "Nuthin." Anne observes quietly, "Given the way you're looking at me, something is wrong. What is it?" Nikolai looks like he is calm but also like he is in frenzy. His jaw is tightly clenched and for those empathic enough to feel it, waves of hatred seem to ripple out from him. Anne repeats quietly, "What's wrong, Nikolai?" Nikolai says "Its nothing. You would not believe me anyways." Derrick snorts quietly in a corner. Anne says dryly, "Why don't you let me be the judge of that. I rather suspect you don't know anything about how I react to very much." Nikolai says "Thats right. I don't know anything." Anne says patiently, "Since you just met me, it _is_ rather hard for you to know all that much about me. What's wrong?" Nikolai says "I know you.....I know you all. You are just like the one who hit me. Go ahead and kill me. I won't become evil like you. I won't!" Hazmat wrinkles her nose slightly but remains silent. Anne's expression doesn't even flicker. "Why do you think I'm evil?" Derrick exhales a breath. Nikolai says "Don't try to deceive me. You all are. Thats why you brought me here. To make me evil like you. The stuff in Umbra and about Gaia is all a lie. You are the Devil. You almost had me fooled but after today I'm sure." Anne asks quietly, "Why? What about today?" Nikolai says "All I tried to do was talk about how I felt. When I did, the truth bit deeply into that Devil's spawn so that when I tried to speak again...He struck me." Anne shakes her head quietly. "Why," she asks, "is hitting someone sufficient to prove they're Devil's spawn? Particularly since, the way it was described to me, it sounded more like a light cuff, as light as a child might be given when he uses swear words his mother has told him not to." Nikolai says "He has no right to touch me from what I was told. If he wants to strike me is he not suppose to issue a challenge?" Derrick says "No." Anne shakes her head this time slowly. "He is not," she says. "Not if it's a matter of discipline. If he wants to beat on you just to beat on you, _that_ he has to ask for from your elders, and I know your elders. Even if he would ask, which he would not, they would say no. And fight him if need be to keep him from doing so." Nikolai says "I see.....I was told that only a person's tribe could discipline one and that others must challenge. It is of no matter. I *Hate* him and I *Hate* you all." Hazmat utters a quiet sigh. Anne repeats her second question: "Why?" Derrick says dryly, "Gee, thanks." Nikolai says "All you do is lecture and accuse. He could of asked me to leave the house if he did not like what I had to say or better yet he could of himself left. You are all the same. I know about how you send cubs you don't like on suicide missions. I know about you eating people. You are all evil and want me to be the same." Derrick stares, speechless. Hazmat shifts her weight from one foot to the other and patiently waits for the Fury Galliard to set the cub straight. Madeline moves over to the window, and stares out at the cold farmyard. Anne tilts her head to one side, listening through the tirade. She answers, slowly, "It is full moon. No one of his auspice, his tie to the moon, has any but a short temper during this phase of the moon. He outranks you; he has no need to leave, and if he wishes you to explain yourself you are required by our law to do so. We do not send cubs on suicide missions, although it is true that some cubs do die on their Rite of Passage, the quest to be called an adult in our society. I have never heard of anyone eating people in recent times; that too is forbidden by law. I do not know why you think we are evil, except that your education has been botched so you do not understand why we do what we do." Nikolai listens intently as he tries to pick out any falsehoods. Nikolai says "I have heard two different stories. You both can't be telling the truth. Either one is lying or one doesn't know the truth themselves." Anne's expression still doesn't change. "What other story have you heard?" Nikolai says "I have heard that Garou will occasionally out of Rage, will accidently attack friends and even eat people. Everyone tries to rationalize their rage by thinking they are some holy warrior and are exempt from responsibity. I don't think they are and I think they are far from holy." Anne says, quietly, "The Rage is something else again. Yes, we are warriors against evil. Yes, we sometimes Rage out of control. There is much loss of honor and wisdom for that, to the point that sometimes we are shunned or, if bad enough, sentenced through the law to some punishment. And as for eating people -" The lips of the Galliard twist in disgust. "There is a kind of frenzy, called Thrall of the Wyrm. That is the only time that happens. The Rage is a useful weapon, but when not controlled it turns against the user, and opens into them a path for the Wyrm. Such things are...not accepted by our people." Nikolai says "Well...I'm not going to talk about how I know about what I know about how you handle cubs. It was private with whom I talke to and I suspect I don't know enough. It doesn't matter....I'll keep away from your crazy rabid ahrouns and everyone else for that matter. The hell if I'll trust anyone of you again." Anne shakes her head once again, slowly. "Nikolai," she says softly, "you risk your own soul if you shut us out. Your Rage, too, is a conduit for the Wyrm if not controlled." Madeline turns away from the window. "Damn it, Nik, would you just chill? I ain't gonna do nothin' to you, Anne's not gonna do nothin' to you, Dillan's not gonna do nothin' to you. So quit whinin' about it." Nikolai says "So what if they did. I was ready to die when I first slugged that Bastard. No. Do what ever you want to do." Hazmat continues to remain silent, though the lupus' expression is sympathetic. Nikolai goes silent and tries not to look at anyone. His hatred seems dissipated somewhat but the distrust firmly remains. Anne shrugs slightly. "Since all I want to do is go for a walk in the woods, that should be agreeable enough to you." Nikolai shrugs and says nothing. Derrick sighs. "I haven't and won't do anythin' to you either. Well, other than keepin' you from gettin' killed. _You_ may not mind dyin', but I think it's a damn waste." Madeline's patience seems at an end. "Listen, Nik. I'm an Ahroun. I can't change that, and I don't wanna. If you can't deal with that, then fine, go off and mope, but don't go accusin' me of nothin' for how I was born." She then heads for the door, not really caring if he responds. Hazmat steps to one side to let Maddy past. Madeline leaves the quiet of the infirmary for the hallway, closing the door with a soft click. Nikolai remembers being treated for how he was born and not for who he was. He watches Madeline leave with guilt for one moment before he rationalizes that she must be like the rest of them anyways. Hazmat settles into a crouch near the doorway, squatting on her heels and using a spare hand to help balance herself. She watches Nik quietly, her face half obscured by her hair. Derrick finally grabs a chair and plunks into it. Anne's exrepssion turns thoughtful as she watches Maddy, and Nikolai's reaction to her. After a few moments, she shrugs, and says quietly, "Nikolai, I'd like you to stay here at the house until I can get Quiet or Robert up here to talk to you, since they're your elders. And remember, don't throw away what you have because you think it's something different. I've not lied to you, I swear that by Gaia." Nikolai leans back on the bed and stares up at the ceiling. He still looks angry but not so much as he was. Hazmat bobs her head in agreement with Anne. Nikolai says "Whatever." Anne gives both remaining cubs a long, still thoughtful look, then turns and walks, pace slow and measured, over to the door. She pauses to give Hazmat a weary smile, then makes her way out the door and downstairs. Anne leaves the quiet of the infirmary for the hallway, closing the door with a soft click. Long distance to Anne: Hazmat answered your smile before you left. And mouthed a 'thanks.'