[Another early log of Rain and Otter, before Otter came back to St. Claire] Moon Otter finishes his inspection and mulls over the request for some moments before giving his answer. You can hunt. This one could use help in feeding both pups and pack as well as an extra pair of eyes to watch for troubles. You may stay, provided you do not disrupt the pack and will speak of your travels. Winter Rain dips her muzzle, humbly. Moon Otter is curious as to how you came to be on your own? You do not bring danger behind you? Winter Rain has been alone for many changings of Luna. There are no enemies on her track, no danger save the humans, who cannot be escaped. Moon Otter 's lips curl into a brief snarl, and then is quickly suppressed. This one has seen no Apes in this land for quite some time. It is one of the reasons he came to this place. Safety to raise pups and a place to be at peace and alone for a time. Winter Rain tilts her head to one side, glancing upwards. She hopes so. She has not seen the Weavermonkeys in many turnings of Luna, but the apes are so strange, and have such powers, that she cannot be sure. Moon Otter mirrors this upward look, scanning the skies as if he might see what it is that Winter Rain searches for. Finding nothing, he looks back to her and whuffs, And how did you come to be without pack? Winter Rain's birth pack are all dead, killed by humans one by one. The others are also dead, killed by the Tainted Ones with human powers. Moon Otter slowly cocks his head to one side as the other wolf speaks. You seem far more knowledgeable than a normal wolf. Garou? Winter Rain pauses, ears swivelling backwards. Full moon of the Red Talons. Moon Otter's ears go forwards at that--attentive. Almost a full turn of the seasons it has been since I have encountered another Garou. Moon-Calf-who-has-no-more-sense-than-an-Otter. Dark moon of... the Lords of Shadow, but taught by those of your tribe. Winter Rain lowers her tail. She knew, somehow, that you were Garou. You seem in every way one of the great ones from the past. But she has known no other tribe but the Talons. Moon Otter flicks an ear as he settles onto his haunches. Great ones of the past do not mean great ones of the present. Only those of the Talons, you say? It is unfortunate they are no more. This one would have wished to have had the chance to have met them perhaps. To see a pack consisting of only Talons would have been truly impressive. Winter Rain chuffs, muzzle lowering. A Sept. The Caern of the Bear. Few Talons, with packs of the wolf kin. They are no more. Moon Otter tips an ear to one side. Even the kin were destroyed? Winter Rain turns her face away. All. All but herself. Moon Otter, contrary to his moon, doesn't pursue his current line of inquiry. Instead, he redirects the conversation. Since you are of the full moon, you will understand when this one asks that you not linger near the pack whenever the moon grows full or you feel that your reason might leave you. There are times, even for this one, when the anger burns so hot that it is best for him to not be near kin, lest an accident occur. Winter Rain again dips her muzzle. That is wisdom. This one would not wish to harm the kin. Moon Otter glances up at the moon, as if he had no idea what it was currently. He noses the Talon. Tonight seems a good enough night to meet the others in the pack. The one over there, with the two cubs, is this one's mate. Crimson-Dawn. Talon kin from the warmer lands. The female cub is Cricket Hunter. The male cub is Trips-on-Tail. The two over there are Eats-for-Two and Looks-for-Food. Silver Fang kin. Winter Rain approaches the others of Otter's pack, lower her body toward the alpha female and baring her throat in a display of submission. Her tail wags at sight and smell of the pups, and then she looks at the two thin Fang kinfolk, judging them. Moon Otter observes the reaction to the two Fang wolves. He slides in closer to the Talon. They are frail wolves. The only reason this one allows them in the pack is because the alternative was to leave them as a burden to the Talons patrolling the sept this one left or leave them to the Fang elder, a foolish half moon homid who would likely have put them into cages as she claimed her sire does. They manage to hold their own, though. Usually. At least, they can flush out the game for this one to take down. Winter Rain raises her tail, taking a more dominant role with the frail, weak-blooded ones. She glances at Otter, horrified at his words. *Cages*?! [Dat's all.]